What is illegal Immigration? How is it done in Pakistan: Greece migrant boat disaster?

 What is illegal immigration? How is it done in Pakistan? Greece migrant disaster. More than 500 people died! How is it done from Pakistan and other Asian countries. How dangerous it is?

This blog is on the Greece migrant incident. and how it is done from Pakistan.

Illegal Migrant from Pakistan to Greece:

In Greece, A ship used to capture fishes had an around 750 people in it sinked nearly an 500 plus people died, in between 300 Pakistani died. The ship was on the sea for around 3 days, but Greece didn't help the immigrants and let them die. 

Media Coverage:

There were almost no media coverage for it. Every media was on ocean gate submersible incident.

A Father Story of Son:

A father who gives 25 lakh rupees to an agent who promised to get his son reached to Europe from a plane. but that agent used an illegal way without visa risking his son life, embarrassed to writing that his son died.

In this blog I will tell you the complete illegal immigration done from Pakistan. How dangerous is it.

What is Illegal Immigration:

The illegal process of border crossing is called Illegal immigration.

  • It is quite dangerous.
  • It is costly and life can also lose.
  • Agents get lots of money from developing countries like Pakistan, SriLankan and Bangladesh
The Journey:

In Pakistan, most of them are from Gujrat and Gujranwala. they reached to Quetta from bus to Dillah Chagi. In Dillah Chagi there are business to smuggle people due to poverty and no source of income.

It started from the government of Bhutto that is not stopped until now.

In Iran, they reached through border and by giving money to agents of Iran. After reaching to Iran they have to walk around 6 to 7 hours. There the immigrants are out of reach from Pakistani Agents.

Irani agents plays parts From Iran to Tehran.

The main problem is to get into Turkey. Turkey have made big barriers or walls of metal around its border to stop smuggling of people.

People see firing and can be arrested. If they get lucky to escape the reach to Istanbul. From Turkey they reach to Greece by a ship or road.


             There are 30 to 40 thousand peoples who risk their lives in illegal immigration and daily 3 to 4 thousand people.

Dangers in Journey:

  • They can get kidnapped from areas of Baluchistan. The people who are kidnapped are torched and if they didn't get the money from their families, they will kill them.
  • In journey, they can get robbed. Even their shoes are taken from them.
  • They can also get shooted on the spot.
  • And the firing in their journey can also kill them.


It is also said that 1 out of 10 men will reach to Europe. Illegal immigrations are done in many countries and every day.

But the incident in ship in Greece is violating Human Rights and is depressing...

Thats all for this blog, I hope you like. Any queries email us on editionqualitative@gmail.com

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